Lessons Archive

Power Q&A; How to Ask Questions?

Length: 13 minutes

One of the features in Power BI website which is unique to Power BI and is not available in many BI tools in the market is Power Q&A engine. Power Q&A is a natural question and answering engine in Power BI. With Q&A you can ask your questions from the existing model with natural language and get response with visualization elements! In this lesson I’ll show you some of intelligence questions that you can ask from Q&A to get a very useful response.

KPIs and Power BI; Visualization Aspect

Length: 12 minutes

In every reporting solution you might feel KPI as a requirement. KPI or Key Performance Indicator is a measure for business to understand how they are acting in specific area that is very import for their business. Power BI supports built-in visualization for KPI, and there are also some good custom visuals that can be used for this purpose. In this lesson you will learn how to create KPI visualizations with Power BI.

Custom Visuals

Length: 18 minutes

There is always requirement for new types of visualizations. You might want to visualize parts of the data in a custom image. or any other visualization that is not built-in. Fortunately Power BI gives you ability to create your own custom visualizations. You can the share your visualization with others in your organization or even with the world through public custom visuals website. In this lesson I’ll show you some of great examples of custom visuals in Power BI and how to use them.

Shape Map

Length: 3 minutes

Shape map is a new visualization in Power BI that provide good area map for states or regions in a country. In this video you will learn about this feature which is still in preview mode through an example.

Filled Map; the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Length: 4 minutes

Power BI utilizes two built-in map charts; Map and Filled Map. Filled Map is a map that shows data points as Geo-spatial areas rather than points on map. Areas can be continent, country, region, state, city, or county. Working with Filled Map however isn’t as easy and convenient as the map chart is. You need to set the data category of fields in the data model appropriately to get the Filled Map working correctly. There are also some limitations in filled map with countries that address hierarchy is different from State, City, County. In this lesson I’ll get you through some tips of using filled map in your Power BI solution. I also show you some existing issues in the current version of filled map and things that you need to be aware of when you work with this visualization element.

Map Visualization

Length: 10 minutes

Map is one of the most useful visualizations. In many data sets geo-graphical information exists either as address lines, city, state, country, or as latitude and longitude. In this lesson you learn best method of creating a map visual with address categories. You will also learn how easy is to visualize latitude and longitude visualization on a map even when data point is not a location on land area of map. You will see an example of earth quakes data visualized in map as part of this lesson.

Waterfall Chart

Length: 6 minutes

There are many charts that are self-explanatory, such as Bar chart, line chart…. Some charts might need a little bit working with to understand what is the best situation to use them, such as scatter chart (especially with play dimension). Some charts looks easy but you might not get their reason to exists, and the type of problem that they solve. From feedback that I’ve heard I think waterfall chart is in the latest category. But don’t be afraid, it is an easy chart. you only need to know when and how to use it. In this lesson I will explain what is Waterfall chart, when to use it? and how to use it? So you would learn what’s Waterfall chart all about?

Scatter Chart

Length: 7 minutes

Scatter chart is good for visualizing more than one measure. You can visualize up to three measures in scatter chart. Scatter chart in Power BI has a specific feature which is Play Axis. Using this feature you can see how measure changed through a time period. In this lesson you learn scatter chart and visualizing data with it through an example.

Built-in Visualizations

Length: 15 minutes

There are number of built-in visualizations items in Power BI that can be customized and formatted to create a useful insight for the data. In this lesson you learn about slicers, charts such as column and bar chart. You will also learn how to format each visualization separately.

DAX Time Zone Issue in Power BI

Length: 19 minutes

Power BI is a cloud service, and that means Power BI files are hosted somewhere. Some DAX functions such as Date/Time functions work on system date/time on the server their file is hosted on. So If you use DAX functions such as TODAY() or NOW() you will not get your local date/time, You will fetch server’s date/time. In this lesson I’ll explain methods of solving this issue, so you could use Power BI to resolve your specific time zone’s date and time.