Power Apps 101 Getting started with building Apps

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  • GBP: £38.39
  • NZD: $79.77
  • CAD: $66.85
  • AUD: $73.65
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Power Apps 101 – Let’s get started with building Apps

This course delivers an instructor-led training experience for Microsoft Power Apps. This course will provide students the fundamentals required to get started with Power Apps. Students will learn how to design, build, and publish Apps integrated with multiple data sources.

Length: 5 Hours and 43 Minutes

  • EUR: €239.31
  • GBP: £203.67
  • NZD: $423.20
  • CAD: $354.67
  • AUD: $390.70
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This course delivers an instructor-led training experience for Microsoft Power Apps. This course will provide students the fundamentals required to get started with Power Apps. Students will learn how to design, build and publish Apps integrated with multiple data sources. 


Module 1 - Introduction to Power Apps

This module will introduce the different components/services available as part of the Power Platform. We will discuss each component and its usage scenario in building Business Apps. Lesson 1 - Power Platform Overview This lesson will provide a walkthrough of the Power Platform and its components. We will analyse each component and its usage its business applications platform. Lesson 2 - Power Apps Canvas Introduction This lesson will provide a walkthrough of Canvas Power Apps, types of Power Apps & the features of a Canvas App.


Module 2 - Exploring Power Apps

In this module we will explore the various features of the Power Apps Maker Portal and Power Apps templates. Lesson 1 - Power Apps Maker Portal This lesson will provide a walkthrough of the Power Apps Maker Portal. We will evaluate the various capabilities available as part of the maker portal. Lesson 2 - Power Apps Templates In this lesson we will explore Power Apps templates, usage scenarios, best practices with template use, leveraging the build app from data source option and more.


Module 3 - Exploring Canvas Apps Studio

In this module we will explore the various features of the Canvas Apps studio experience. This will provide the foundational understanding needed to build Apps. Lesson 1 - Canvas Studio - Left Nav Bar (Tree View) In this lesson we will explore the options available in the left-hand navigation component of Canvas Apps Studio. Lesson 2 - Canvas Studio - Middle Pane In this lesson we will explore the main Canvas area of Canvas Apps Studio. Lesson 3 Canvas Studio - Property Pane & Formula Bar In this lesson we will explore the property pane and the formula bar features of the Canvas Apps Studio. Lesson 4- Canvas Studio - Ribbon & Additional Items In this lesson we will explore the contextual ribbon features along with additional app features like preview, undo, redo etc. Lesson 5- Canvas Studio - App Settings In this lesson we will explore the App settings of Canvas Power Apps. Setting App Icon, description, logo, enabling/disabling features etc.


Module 4 – Canvas App Building Blocks

This module will introduce the key concepts required to build Apps. Lesson 1 – Canvas App Screens, Screen Templates & Themes In this lesson we will explore building screens, leveraging screen templates as quick starter screens & explore the theming options for Canvas Power Apps Lesson 2 – Canvas App Controls In this lesson we will explore various controls available as part of the App building experience. We will also focus on some key properties for each control. Reference Links: Controls and properties in Power Apps https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/reference-properties Lesson 3 – Canvas App Formulas, Variables & Collections In this lesson we will explore building formulas to calculate values and perform tasks like excel, storing results in variables – context and global variables & collections. Reference Links: Formula Reference for Power Apps https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/canvas-apps/formula-reference


Module 5 – Data Sources

In this module we will explore how to connect to data sources (cloud or on-premises) and building Apps from a data source. Lesson 1 – Connecting to a data source In this lesson we will walk through the process of connecting to a data source. Lesson 2 – Create an App from a data source In this lesson we will walk through building an App from a data source.


Module 6 - Submit Data to data source

This module will introduce the key concepts required to perform Create, Update & Read operations on data sources. Lesson 1 – Submit data using Form Control In this lesson we will explore the Power Apps Form Control to submit data to a SharePoint list. We will perform read, write and update operations and explore key features & best practices for the form control. Lesson 2 – Submit data using Patch function In this lesson we will explore the Patch function to submit data to a SQL table. We will compare the Patch function with the form control.


Module 7 - Hands-On Lab

Module 7 - Hands-On Lab This module is a hand-on lab exercise to build a "Travel Request" Power App using the Common Data Service as a data source. This module will provide a guided experience to build an App from scratch, connect to a data source, leverage various controls, navigate between screens, submit data to a data source and much more. Module Related Links: Microsoft 365 Developer Program - Office 365 Tenant https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/dev-program Power Apps Community Plan - Developer Environment https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/communityplan/ Power Platform Admin Center https://aka.ms/ppac Install Power Apps Mobile App to test your Travel Request App on a mobile/tablet device https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/


Module 8 - Power Apps Components - building reusable controls

This module will introduce the concept of Components & Component Libraries in Canvas Apps which enables building controls that can be reused across Apps. Lesson 1 – Introduction to Components In this lesson we will understand the concept of Components in Canvas Apps. Lesson 2 – Walkthrough of building a Component In this lesson we will walkthrough building a Component and understanding the features of a Component. Lesson 3 – Export/Import Components In this lesson we will learn about exporting and importing Components to leverage Components across Apps. Lesson 4 – Component Libraries In this lesson we will explore the key concepts of Component Libraries and build a Component Library to enable reusing Components across Apps in an environment.


Module 9 – Power Apps Delegation

This module will introduce the concept of Delegation which is key in building efficient apps to minimize the amount of data that is to be brought to the device and perform optimized queries. Lesson 1 – Concept of Delegation In this lesson we will understand the concept of Delegation. We will cover the data sources which cover delegation, the functions and look at ways to identify delegation warnings in Apps. Lesson 2 – Delegation demo In this lesson we will demo the concept of Delegation with SharePoint as a data source.


Module 10 - Managing Apps - Creating, Sharing, Versioning, Environments etc

In this module we will explore the different App management options for an App Maker. Lesson 1 – App details, Edit, View & Delete Apps In this lesson we will explore the App details screen and walk through the process of editing, viewing, and deleting Apps. Lesson 2 – Exporting and Importing Apps In this lesson we will learn how to export and import Apps. Lesson 3 – Versioning, Sharing & Settings for Apps In this lesson we will learn about the versioning capabilities in Canvas Apps, how to Share an App with users and the App Settings options.
