DAX and Calculations in Power BI

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  • 430+ hours of video courses.
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  • EUR: €45.11
  • GBP: £38.39
  • NZD: $79.77
  • CAD: $66.85
  • AUD: $73.65
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Video Training: DAX and Calculations in Power BI

In this training, you will learn DAX from zero to hero. You will learn how to design the best model in Power BI with relationships, considering formatting and data types. You will learn about DAX which is the data modeling expression language in Power BI (and SSAS Tabular, and Power Pivot). You will learn from Simple DAX calculations to complex expressions and calculations for solving real-world challenges of a BI solution. The training continues with more focus on DAX; we will talk about the evaluation context in DAX, which defines the mindset and the way of thinking when you are writing DAX expressions. You will learn about DAX function categories such as Aggregation functions, Iterators, Filter functions, parent-child functions, time intelligence functions, functions dealing with relationships, etc. You will learn all scenarios through hands-on examples of real-world data. At the end of this training, you will be able to design the proper data model in Power BI, understand all relationship requirements and implement the right relationship, write complex DAX expressions for your analytics need, and put them all together to build the best model for your data analysis solution using Power BI.

Length: 4 Hours and 13 Minutes

  • EUR: €239.31
  • GBP: £203.67
  • NZD: $423.20
  • CAD: $354.67
  • AUD: $390.70
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This course is part of the Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star Training.

This training is designed for data modelers, who have the data prepared to be modeled for analysis. Usually, people who take this course need to also take the Power Query video course to learn about the step before the modeling. In this training, you will learn detailed modeling practices of Power BI, and DAX unleashed.

In this training, you will learn DAX from zero to hero. You will learn how to design the best model in Power BI with relationships, considering formatting and data types. You will learn about DAX which is the data modeling expression language in Power BI (and SSAS Tabular, and Power Pivot). You will learn from Simple DAX calculations to complex expressions and calculations for solving real-world challenges of a BI solution.

The training continues with more focus on DAX; we will talk about the evaluation context in DAX, which defines the mindset and the way of thinking when you are writing DAX expressions. You will learn about DAX function categories such as Aggregation functions, Iterators, Filter functions, parent-child functions, time intelligence functions, functions dealing with relationships, etc. You will learn all scenarios through hands-on examples of real-world data.

At the end of this training, you will be able to design the proper data model in Power BI, understand all relationship requirements and implement the right relationship, write complex DAX expressions for your analytics need, and put them all together to build the best model for your data analysis solution using Power BI.


Common Functions in DAX

There is a set of functions that commonly used in many DAX expressions. These are functions that work as a filter or iterator or even Calculate. In this module, you will learn what is an Iterator and how it can be used in a measure. You will also learn about filter functions such as ALL or Filter and how they can work combined with an iterator function. You will also learn examples of conditional sum implemented using the functions mentioned in this module. at the end of the module, you will also learn about Calculate which is one of the most common and powerful functions used in DAX.


Time Intelligence

Any BI system requires date-based analysis, which is what we call as Time Intelligence in Power BI. In this module, you will learn about DAX functions that deal with Time Intelligence. You will learn how to calculate year to date value, quarter to date, and how to make changes to make year to date to work with financial periods. You will learn how to compare this year’s value with last year’s value, or even with last month’s value, or even yesterday’s value. You will learn how to calculate the average rolling period. Functions that you will learn are included but not limited to DatesYTD, DatesQTD, SamePeriodLastYear, ParallelPeriod, DateAdd, DatesInPeriod etc.


Variables and Parameters

Using variables and parameters can enhance your DAX expression significantly. In this module, you will learn how to use variables, and how they are helpful in better performance and readability of your expression. You will also learn how you can make your expression dynamic using Parameters. Parameters that you can add using GUI, or even build the parameter table yourself.


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